WHB#33 : Cuckoo Flower or Lady’s Smock

I am glad that the rules of Weekend Herb Blogging allow to blog about any herb, plant, vegetable or flower. This week I write about Germany’s flower of the year 2006 Wiesenschaumkraut or

Cuckoo Flower

Cuckoo Flower 001

or Lady’s Smock.

In some German provinces this plant is threatened with extinction, because the the areas of natural grassland decrease. And in parks the lawns are mowed too early. I was very surprised to discover this next to my garden.

Wiesenschaumkraut 002

Wiesenschaumkraut 004

Wiesenschaumkraut 005

And I was astonished to read that the blooms and the young sprouts are edible and they should taste like cress. They are used in salads, soups, sauces and they flavour quark and cream cheese.

But I can’t eat an endangered species, although this recipe sounds very interesting.

5 thoughts on “WHB#33 : Cuckoo Flower or Lady’s Smock

  1. Cascabel

    Du solltest vielleicht mal in den Bayerischen Wald kommen – da gibt’s Wiesenschaumkraut noch in Hülle und Fülle – und u.a. in meinem Feld-Wald-Wiesen-Muttertagsblumenstrauß :-)


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