WCC#3 ORANGE!:Carrot Joghurt Soup – Möhren-Joghurt-Suppe

1 Million MenüsAlicat and Sara chose for this month WCC#3: ORANGE!. I don’t know how long this cookbook scrapes its living on the book shelf in the cellar. I brushed the dust off and let my two boys have a look for orange dishes. They found:

Kürbissuppe – pumpkin Soup, Möhrenflan – Carrot Flan, Möhren-Joghurt-Suppe – Carrot Joghurt Soup, Exotische Kaltschale, a cold soup of mango, papaya and oranges and at least Orientalische Aprikosencreme – Oriental Style Crème Apricot . I had the agony of choice and made my decision.

And now I proudly present : The orange dish for this event is

Carrot joghurt soup

Carrot joghurt soup 003

Wew, not only I met the colour, it’s also delicous!

You need for 4 servings:
500 g carrots
2 tbsp. sesame oil
500 ml vegetable stock
salt, pepper
1/2 tsp. tumeric
500 g yoghurt, preferably greek yoghurt 10 % fat
sesame seed


Wash and peel the carrots and finely grate. Heat sesame oil in a saucepan and lightly sautée the carrots on medium heat. Add the stock , season with salt, pepper and tumeric. Bring to a boil, whisk in the yoghurt and simmer for about 5 minutes on low heat.

Meanwhile lightly toast the sesame seeds in a pan. Ladle soup into a blowl or plate and sprinkle with toasted seeds.


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