Tuesdays with Dorie: Sweet potato biscuits

Sweet Potato Biscuits 002
This week’s recipe on page 26 from Baking: From My Home to YoursBild*: Sweet potato biscuits has been chosen by Erin of Prudence Pennywise

The recipe was easy to follow, but I had some difficulties to find the right drain weight from 2 15-ounce cans sweet potatoes in light syrup, not a usual ingredient here. So I bought 798 grams sweet potatos, peeled, steamed them tender and ended up with 498 grams sweet potato mash. Thanks to Nancy who helped me doing the conversion after my tweet for help.

For the recipe visit Erin from Prudence Pennywise and enjoy more Sweet potato biscuits visiting the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

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*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon