Tuesdays with Dorie: Cherry Redcurrant Cobbler

rote Johannisbeeren - redcurrants
This week’s recipe on page 415 from Baking: From My Home to Yours978-0-618-44336-9*: Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler has been selected by Amanda from Like Sprinkles on a Cupcake.

The rhubarb season in Central Europe ends at June, 24th for two reasons:

  1. The plant gets enough time to regenerate in summer
  2. The oxalic acid content deincreases (Thanks Madame Chow!)with cumulative ripening and the rhubarb should not be eaten after midsummer

At midsummer begins the cherry and redcurrant season, so I substituted the tartness of the rhubarb with redcurrants.
Because my blueberry pie filling was a bit runny I used preserving sugar

I served the

Cherry Redcurrant Cobbler

Cherry Redcurrant Cobbler 003

for lunch. My three gentlemen refused ice cream or whipped cream and liked it just plain. I agree with them.

Cherry Redcurrant Cobbler 001 Cherry Redcurrant Cobbler 002

The recipe can be found here or over at Amanda from Like Sprinkles on a Cupcake and for more Cherry Rhubarb Cobblers visit the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

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*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon