This week the I♥CC-members are adding a little cheese to the Nigel Slater dishes.
My watercress is doing well
and I got some wonderful Bavarian mountain cheeses.
It is spring and you can buy new potatoes on the weekly market. Real Fast Food * offers a great idea to combine all ingedients
Warm New Potato Salad with Melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress
Very delicious
Nigel Slater Warm New Potato Salad with Melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress
[slickr-flickr tag=“cheese please“ type=“slideshow“ size=“medium“ delay=“3″]
- 450 grams new potatoes, wiped clean
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 2 handfuls of watercress, washed and shaken dry
- 200 grams mild, semi-soft cheese
- Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water until tender to the point of a knife, about 12 minutes.
- Toss the leaves in the olive oil and dump on two ovenproof plates.
- Drain the potatoes and slice each one in half. Scatter them over the salad leaves.
- Slice the cheese thinly over the potatoes. Set the plate under a preheated grill and cook till the cheese starts to ooze, about 1 minute.
- Eat immediately.
Also try rocket and Taleggio, radiccio and Roquefort.
total: 20 minutes
preparation: 5 minutes
cook: 15 minutes
*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon
For all other great A Little Cheese, PLEASE! entries visit the I heart cooking clubs site
more Nigel Slater recipes
This looks way too tasty to be soooo simple! Potatoes and cheese. YUM!!
Thanks, glad that you can comment now ;-)
Came back to try and comment–I tried the other day. ;-) I love this–cheesy potato goodness set off by the peppery watercress. I would make a meal out of it. ;-)
Like Deb, I tried to comment earlier this week….
Cheese and potatoes are always delicious together but it’s so nice to see that fresh peppery green with them, a pairing I wouldn’t have thought to use. Delicious!
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