Archiv der Kategorie: IMBB SHF

SHF: Spekulatius-Tiramisu

It has been a while that I participated in Sugar High Friday, a blogging event created by Jennifer of The Domestic Goddess. The Holiday theme of the 60th edition is hosted by Cherrapeno. I use the chance to present our dessert on Christmas Eve.


SHF: Spekulatius-Tiramisu

A simple, but light and delicious dessert. Spekulatius are spiced biscuits in the shape of a human or other figure, eaten at Christmas in Germany.

Crumb 8 spiced cookies and whip 200 grams cream with 2 tsp. icing sugar. Alternately layer the crumbs and whipped cream in small cups. The last layer should be cookie crumbs. Serve and enjoy.

The recipe is from Lea Linster, a Luxembourgian chef.

SHF #60 Pages: 1 Button German 2 Button English

World Bread Day 2009 – Yes we bake: Homemade rustic country loaf

I’ve been up to my ears in work lately, I hadn’t plenty of time and leisure to bake bread. Baking bread is not very difficult, but you shouldn’t be in a hurry. In the November issue of GoodFood I found a recipe for a

Homemade rustic country loaf

Homemade rustic country loaf 001

that perfectly fitted into my busy schedule. Easy but delicious!

I followed the recipe below, but I used my KitchenAid on speed 1-2 for 7 minutes to knead the dough in step 3. There is a nice video how to knead bread by hand. I used a banneton for proofing and a baking stone for baking. I used two steam bursts to produce steam with my moisture plus oven.

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Homemade rustic country loaf Button German
Categories: Baking, Bread, Yeast
Yield: 10 Slices

Homemade rustic country loaf 002


225     Gstrong white bread flour, 8 oz Ulrike: wheat
      — flour Type 550
1 teasp.   Fast-action dried yeast
200 ml   Water, warm
500 grams   Strong white bread flour, 1 lb 2 oz, plus extra
      — for kneading and dusting Ulrike:
      — wheat flour Type 550
2 teasp.   Fast-action dried yeast
2 teasp.   Salt
75 ml   Plain yogurt, 2 1/2 fl oz
150 – 200 ml   Water, warm
      Oil, for greasing


  GoodFood Magazine, November 2009
  Edited *RK* 10/12/2009 by
  Ulrike Westphal


1. First, make the starter. Tip the flour and yeast into a bowl. Pour over 200 m1 warm water, use a wooden spoon to mix together, then cover the bowl with a piece of oiled cling film. Leave in the fridge overnight, after which the dough should look fairly frothy and bubbly, with a sweet yeasty smell.

2. Now make the bread. Tip the flour into a bowl along with the yeast and salt. Pour 150 ml warm water and the yogurt into the starter mixture, stir until well combined, then pour this into the bowl with the flour. Use a spoon to bring the mixture together into a ball – this will take a couple of mins as the flour needs to absorb the water. Add another 50 ml water if the dough feels tight.

3. Tip out the dough onto a surface lightly dusted with flour. Push down and away, using the heel of your hand to stretch out the dough, then fold the outside edge back over itself to make a ball again. Twist the dough round a bit and start again. Keep kneading like this for about 10 mins, depending on how vigorous you are (b). When it’s ready, the dough should feel slightly springy when touched and have a smooth surface when shaped into a ball. Alternatively, you can knead the dough for about 5 mins in a table-top mixer or food processor with a dough attachment.

4. Lightly oil a large bowl and place the dough inside. Oil a piece of cling film, lay this loosely over the top, then leave in a warm, draught-free place until nearly trebled in size – this can take from 45 mins to about 1 1/2 hrs. Remove the cling film and punch down the airy dough with your hand. Tip out onto your floured surface, knead a couple of times until smooth and the air has been knocked out, then lightly oil a large baking sheet. Shape the dough into a round ball and place on the sheet. Re-cover with the oiled piece of cling film and leave until doubled in size, about 1 hr.

5. Heat oven to 230 °C/210 °C fan/gas 8. Place a roasting tin on the bottom shelf of the oven and carefully half-fill with boiling water from the kettle. Leave in the oven for 10 mins so it gets steamy. If your dough has spread, gently tuck the ends under to make a neat ball, then use a sharp knife to make a few slashes across the bread before lightly dusting with flour. Place the baking sheet on the top shelf of the oven and bake for 20 mins. Turn the heat down to 220 °C/200 °C fan/ gas 7, bake for 25 mins more, then take out of the oven. Tap the bottom of the loaf – it should sound hollow. Return to the oven for another 10 mins if not. Leave to cool on a wire rack. Great with a bowl of soup, as a chunky sandwich or, best of all, lightly toasted with some butter and jam.

:PER SLICE 265 kcals, protein 9g, carbs 56g, fat 2g, sat fat none, fibre 2g, sugar 2g, salt 1.02g .a
:PREP 20 mins plus overnight resting and 2 hrs rising
:COOK 45 mins


world bread day 2009 - yes we bake.(last day of sumbission october 17)
This is my contribution to Word Bread Day 2009

BBD #22: Sweet Breads – Mandelmilch Brot

Heute Morgen gab es zum Frühstück Dan Lepards

Mandelmilch Brot

Mandelmilch Brot 004

Ein leicht süßliches Brot, das genau zum Thema des BreadBakingDay #22 passt, dessen Gastgeberin diesmal Stefanie von Hefe und mehr ist. Das leckere und lockere Brot wird es sicher noch öfter geben, allerdings würde ich für das nächste Mal eine größere Form wählen.

========== REZKONV-Rezept – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Titel: Mandelmilch Brot
Kategorien: Backen, Brot, Hefe
Menge: 1 Rezept

Mandelmilch Brot Loaf 002 Mandelmilch Brot Loaf 003


150 Gramm   Manitobamehl
350 Gramm   Weizenmehl Type 550
1 1/2 Teel.   Salz
150 Gramm   Mandeln, blanchiert
20 Gramm   Zucker
325 Gramm   Wassser
2 Teel.   Frischefe; 13,6 g, Ulrike: 3,8 g Trockenhefe


Bild * Dan Lepard
The Handmade Loaf:
Contemporary European Recipes for the Home Baker
(Mitchell Beazley Food)
Bild *

ISBN: 978-1840009668
  Erfasst *RK* 02.07.2007 von
  Ulrike Westphal


In einer Schüssel die Mehle mit dem Salz mischen.

Die Mandeln mit 100 ml Wasser und Zucker zu einer dicken Paste verarbeiten (Mörser, Mixer). Dann das restliche Wasser und die Hefe einrühren. Dann das Mehl vorsichtig einrühren und 10 Minuten stehen lassen.

Mit der Küchenmaschine 8 Minuten (KitchenAid Stufe 1) langsam und 4 Minuten schnell (KitchenAid Stufe 3) zu einem weichen, noch etwas klebrigen Teig verarbeiten, der sich nicht vollständig von der Schüssel löst.

Den Teig abdecken und bei etwa 21-25°C gehen lassen, bis sich das Volumen etwa verdoppelt hat.

Eine Kastenform von 20,5 x 11 x 10 cm (Ulrike: besser 23 x 11 x 9,5 cm) mit Backpapier auskleiden. Das Brot zu einem Laib mit Länge der Form formen und mit der Nahtseite nach oben in die Form geben und etwa 1,5 h gehen lassen. Die Oberfläche leicht mit Mehl bestäuben.

Den Backofen auf 210°C/410°F/Gas 6,5.

Das gut aufgegangene Brot in der Mitte des Ofens 25 Minuten backen, dann die Tempertur auf 190°C/375°F/Gas 5 reduzieren und weitere 20 Minuten backen, bis das Brot goldbraun ist. Auf einem Gitterrost abkühlen lassen.


BreadBakingDay #22 - Sweet Breads (last day of submission August 1st) Click here for the posting in English.Button English

Pages: 1 Button German 2 Button English

* = Affilate-Link zu Amazon

BBD #21: Pizza Party – Pizza mit karamellisierten Zwiebeln, Brie und Zucchini

BreadBakingDay #21 - Pizza Party and giveaways for 2 years anniversary - last day of sumbission July 1st
Click here for the posting in English.Button English

Zum zweijährigen Jubiläum des Bread Baking Day lädt Zorra zur Pizza Party. In der „Vegetarian Summer“ Ausgabe von GoodFood lachten mich gleich 4 vegetarische Pizzavarianten an, wovon Sohn No. 1 und ich heute die

Pizza mit karamellisierten Zwiebeln, Brie und Zucchini

Pizza mit karamellisierten Zwiebeln, Brie und Zucchini

ausprobiert haben. Womit auch gleich die Mengenangaben klargestellt sind: Das Rezept sollte für 2 bis 4 Portionen reichen, es reichte genau für einen im Längenwachstum befindlichen Teenager und eine Punkte zählende Mutter.

Zweifellos eine sehr gelungene Kombination.

Die Rezepte gibt es in englischer Sprache hier «click»

Pages: 1 Button German 2 Button English

BBD#20 – Multigrain 7 Grain Bread with two seeds

BreadBakingDay #20 - last day of submission June 1st
Rachel from Tangerine’s Kitchen is this month’s host for Bread Baking Day (#20). She chooses multigrain breads, which means that more than one grain is used for the bread. If you say multigrain bread in Germany, you mean bread from cereal grains, the fruit seed of grasses. And funny but true, buckwheat also counts as a cereal grain, seeds like lineseed, sesame or sunflowers don’t

I used a recipe from Baker Süpke to bake a bread with seven cereal grains: buckwheat, millet, barley, maize, oats, spelt, rye, wheat and the oil seeds linseed/flax and sesame.

7 Grain Bread with two seeds


-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: 7 Grain Bread with two seeds
Categories: Baking, Bread, Sourdough
Yield: 2 Loaves à 500 g


45 grams   Buckwheat, coarsely ground
45 grams   Spelt, coarsely ground
45 grams   Barley, coarsely ground
45 grams   Polenta, coarse
45 grams   Millet, whole
35 grams   Rolled oats
11 grams   Linseed
11 grams   Sesame seed
14 grams   dark malted and toasted flour (for the colour)
11 grams   Salt
210 ml   Water
110 grams   Rye flour type 1150, dark rye
90 ml   Water
10 grams   Starter
120 grams   Wheat flour type 550, AP
1 gram   Salt
0.3 gram   Dry yeast
80 ml   Water
      Preferment, sourdough, hot soaker
215 grams   Wheat flour type 550, AP
2 grams   Dry yeast
65 ml   Water, cold


  modified recipe from Baker Süpke

  Edited *RK* 05/18/2009 by
  Ulrike Westphal


Make hot soaker at least 3 h before baking or with the sourdough and preferment.

SOURDOUGH: Mix all ingredients together and let stand at room temperature for at least 18 h.

PREFERMENT: Mix all ingredients together and let stand at room temperature 2 h , than store in the fridge.

FINAL DOUGH : Knead 8 min KitchenAid speed 1, 4 min KitchenAid speed 3 .

Let dough rest for 30 min. Divide in 2 pieces à 600 grams and form loaves. Roll loaves in oats or seeds. Let proof for about 45 -60 min in proofing baskets. Turn on a peel and make 4 incisions. Bake with a lot of steam for about 45 minutes at 230 °C for 2 minutes on a baking stone. After 2 min. let steam escape from oven and lower temperature to 190 °C

Miele H 5361: Klimagaren 230 °C, 1 steam jet, 6 min. after steam jet bring loaves into the oven. Let escape steam after 2 minutes and lower temperature to 190 °C.


I also send this bread to Susan’s weekly Yeastspotting