Archiv der Kategorie: DB and TWD

Tuesdays with Dorie: Burnt Sugar Ice Cream

Burnt sugar ice cream 002
This week’s recipe on page 432 from Baking: From My Home to YoursBild*: Burnt Sugar Ice Cream has been chosen by Becky of Project Domestication.

I expected something similar like Dulce De Leche Ice Cream. I was a bit disappointed about the taste, but lots of caramel syrup on the ice cream made me feel better.

For the recipe visit Becky of Project Domestication and enjoy more Burnt Sugar Ice Cream visit this Link at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.


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Tuesdays with Dorie: Swedish visiting cake

This week’s recipe on page 197 from Baking: From My Home to YoursBild*:

Swedish visiting cake

Swedish visiting cake 001

has been chosen by Nancy of The Dogs Eat the Crumbs. The batter fitted perfectly into my 20 cm pizza pan, so it is also suitable for the German event „Small cakes“. I used almond extract to flavour the cake.

For the recipe visit Nancy of The Dogs Eat the Crumbs and enjoy more Swedish visiting cakes visiting the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

Pages: 1 Button German 2 Button English


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Tuesdays with Dorie: Mocha-Walnut Marbled Bundt Cake

Mocha-Walnut Marbled Bundt Cake 002
This week’s recipe on page 180/181 from Baking: From My Home to YoursBild*: Mocha-Walnut Marbled Bundt Cake has been chosen by Erin of Erin of When in Doubt…Leave it at 350

I served the cake on Easter with advocaat. We liked this combination.

Mokka-Walnuss Marmorkuchen 001

I halved the recipe and baked in a springform of 20 cm in diameter with a tube sheet.

For the recipe visit Erin of Erin of When in Doubt…Leave it at 350 and enjoy more Mocha-Walnut Marbled Bundt Cakes visiting the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

Pages: 1 Button German 2 Button English


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Tuesdays with Dorie: Coconut Teacake

Kokosnuss-Teekuchen - Coconut Tea Cake 003
In March 2008 I participated in Tuesdays with Dorie for the first time: Russian Grandmothers‘ Apple Pie-Cake. More than 100 recipes later and after celibrating the 2. anniversary the group still hasn’t finished the book and there many recipes left.

This week’s recipe on page 194/195 from Baking: From My Home to YoursBild*: Coconut Teacake has been chosen by Carmen of Carmen cooks

I added only vanilla extract and rum. For our palate the cake was too sweet and bland. Next time I reduce the sugar and add orange juice and zest. And Dorie is right, it is great to dunk in tea.

Kokosnuss-Teekuchen - Coconut Tea Cake 004

For the recipe visit Carmen from Carmen Cooks and enjoy more Coconut Teacakes visiting the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

Pages: 1 Button German 2 Button English


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