bbd #03 – Bread with Sourdough – Roundup

bbd #03 - Bread with Sourdough - RoundupLet me thank all participants for the 3rd round of bread baking day . The theme was bread only leavened with sourdough, preferably from rye. It might be that my condition only leavened with sourdough wasn’t clear enough, so we have two kinds of participants: Those who trusted in the leavening power of their sourdoughs and met the conditions, and those, who didn’t and added yeast true to the motto: Participation is everything! And they are right.

I sorted the entries in the order of their arrival and leavening.

Breads only leavened with sourdough

Roggensauer mit scharfer Kruste KochSchlampe at Kochen für Schlampen baked a Roggensauer mit scharfer Kruste. She made the sourdough herself from scratch.

Location: Berlin, Germany
Language: German

Pure Rye Sourdough Bread from self-made
sourdough KarLa from Chaosküche made her first Pure Rye Sourdough Bread from self-made sourdough. She enjoys the great feeling to know exactly what is in her bread: nothing but rye meal, water, salt and sugar.

Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Language: English

Dilly O' Sourdough Rolls Sue from Coffee & Cornbread had no rye flour on hand but she only leavened her Dilly O‘ Sourdough Rolls with her new sourdough starter.

Location: Virginia, USA
Language: English

Rye and Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Susan from Wild Yeast overcame her fear of rye and presents us a delicious looking Rye and Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread

Location: California, USA
Language: English

sourdough dates anise bread Zainab over at Arabic Bites baked her first bread with starter and rye. The sourdough dates anise bread came out great!

Location: JUBAIL INDL CITY , Saudi Arabia
Language: English

Karen blogs at bread/pain03.06.18** and participated with a sourdough rye bread with raisins and walnuts03.06.18**. Unfortunately she doesn’t tell us which Hamelman recipe she used.

Location: Ontario, Canada
Language: English

Carrot Sunflower Seed Bread Gaby from CrockyBlog is the only one in her family who loved the Carrot Sunflower Seed Bread. Her career as a sourdough baker ends just in the beginning.

Location: Rhede, Germany
Language: German

Andre from Eat More Bread03.06.18** keeps the recipe for the Sour 100% Rye Bread03.06.18*+ secret. But I think it’s the one from Page 31.

Location: Singapore
Language: English

Rustic bread with hyperactive grape-rye-sourdough Zorra, the great mind behind bbd and word bread day, struggled with her hyperactive starter she made from scratch. She was not 100 % satisfied with the Rustic bread with hyperactive grape-rye-sourdough, but she’ll give the recipe a second try.

Location: Andalucia, Spain
Language: English

Rye Bread I Manuela at Baking History – A Taste for the Past baked a Rye Bread I, similar to traditional “Jewish Rye”, with a moist crumb and thin crust. Ideal for sandwiches.

Location: United States
Language: English

100% Rye Sourdough Bread
The first submission from Petra aka Cascabel at Chili und Ciabatta is a 100% Rye Sourdough Bread. She used a recipe from Mr. Fahrenkamp, the bread could be enjoyed with cheese, but also with a sweet topping like honey or her grape maracuja jam.

Location: Geiersthal, Germany
Language: English

Samania over at Couverts et Decouvertes was attracted by the ingredients rye flour and leaven. She turned it to German black bread ( now defunc7) which is suitable for hearty and sweet spreads.

Location: France
Language: French and English

Tatter writes the The Bread Chronicle. She bakes the dark and sweet Borodinsky Bread she felled long years ago.The name refers to a Russian general’s wife, who baked loaves of bread for the soldiers to inspire them before the Battle of Borodino (1812).

Location: United Kingdom
Language: English

Wild Caraway Seed Bread Elizabeth at OUR kitchen adapted her recipe for caraway rye and used her newly captured wild starter instead of yeast. She has never been a big fan of really sour sourdough or rye breads but the Wild Caraway Seed Bread is perfect for her taste.

Location: Toronto, Canada
Language: English

Farmer's Bread The second submission from Petra – the bread queen – is a Saftiges Sauerteigbrot mit Roggenschrotanteil. She used two sourdoughs with different hydrations and baked her own Lower Bavarian Farmer’s Bread.

Location: Geiersthal, Germany
Language: German

Roggensauerteigbrot mit Kernen Katja from Kaffeebohne proved herself that she is a real sourdough baker without adding yeast to the dough. She submitted Roggensauerteigbrot mit Kernen

Location: Nauheim, Germany
Language: German

Seeded Rye Bread At least my own entry. I baked a Seeded Rye Bread. The starter was already used after 6 hours of refreshment. This maximises the yeast activity and reduces the acidity of the dough. A mildly soured bread with lots of seeds to bite.

Location: Northern Germany
Language: English

Breads leavened with yeast and sourdough

Carolyn from 18thC Cuisine baked a Pain de Seigle Sisteron
Location: Michigan
Language: English

Elena from Experiments was not experienced in handling wet rye doughs, but she managed to end with a Sourdough Rye with Flaxseeds ( now defunct)

Location: Singapore
Language: English

Eva from sweet sins returned to the Land of the Breads and won’t spend time with bread baking. She wanted to contribute something, so she shares the recipe for Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds and Wheat Bread with Sesame Seeds with us. These recipes are helpful for weak or underdeveloped sourdough cultures.

Location: Sidney
Language: English

Bread with sesame seeds
Babs at Quergedacht and Astrid from Paulchens foodBLog?! baked together a Bread with rye sourdough & whole grain spelt. After 20 hours their sourdough didn’t look very active and they helped the bread to rise with yeast.

Location: Vienna, Austria
Language: English

Bread with rye sourdough &  whole grain spelt .

Arfi from Homemades 21.09.2018** participates with aRussian Rye Bread 21.09.2018**. She enjoyed it with a hearty minestrone.

Location: Tuakau, New Zealand
Language: English

Barbara at Barbaras Spielwiese was scared about Zorra’s exploding starter. She used tamed (dried) sourdough for her first Rye Bread with Sourdough and gained some experience in bread baking.

Location: Germany
Language: English

My first Rye Bread with Sourdough

Although Ilka and Ulli from RezkonvSuite aren’t fond of dark rye breads and Ilka had to activate her sourdough from the freezer she insisted to participate with the Alsace Loaf with Rye. Ilka finds the result very tasty, I can approve that!

Location: Germany
Language: English


If you don’t find your entry on the list I may have overlooked it. In that case send me please an email at ostwestwind(at)yahoo(dot)de mentioning your name, blog name, blog URL, name of the recipe and entry URL, hometown/region and country, and I will add it to the list.

The next big bread event is World Bread Day , October 16th. bbd #04 is back in December, more information after the World Bread Day

** 03.06.2018, not longer available; not longer available
21.09.2018; // now defunct

10 thoughts on “bbd #03 – Bread with Sourdough – Roundup

  1. Kalyn (Gast)

    Wow, what an impressive collection of bread recipes. When I was a little girl, my grandma Denny always made the best sourdough bread. And she had REAL butter at her house (my family always had margarine, ick.)

  2. Bolli

    Bin begeistert, da ich mich jetzt auch mal an das Brotbacken machen werde, mit neuer Küchenmaschine….Werde sicherlich auf Deinen Expertenrat zurückkommen, wenn ich darf…….

  3. johanna (Gast)

    shame i couldn’t participate, especially since you started me on the baking… but my soursughs had to stay behind when i left for austria. picking them up from the „babysitter“ tomorrow, then i’ll be trying some of these great recipes!

  4. André at

    100% Sour Rye Bread
    Hiya, Sorry I couldn’t post the recipe because I read the front page of Dan Lepard’s Handmade Loaf book and it said the pages are not to be reproduced without his publisher’s consent. But you are right. Page 3 it is on Dan Lepard’s Handmade Loaf. He’s a genius.

    Secondly, I just wanna say ‚Wow!‘ to all these rye breads for bbd #3. it’s going to take me a week to check them all out! Great job guys and gals.



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