Baking with Julia: Pizza rustica

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Nick Malgieri describes the combination of a sweet crust and savoury filling as terrific. My young gentlemen and I think that the crust is too sweet, we call this combination only edible. We already had a Nigella Lawson pizza rustica, she uses only a forth of the sugar amount in the recipe.


Pizza rustica

Rustic pizza 005

is a great lunch for kids, who avoid the school canteen. It’s more a pie than a normal pizza.

The recipe is really easy, for the crust I used equal parts of butter and lard. The 12-inch-circle perfectly lined my glass dish.

Rustic pizza 001

Rustic pizza 002

Rustic pizza with lattice

Rustic pizza 004

Baking with Julia For the recipe visit the sites of our hosts Emily and Raelynn or buy the book.

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