Tuesdays with Dorie: Chocolate Chunkers

Chocolate Chunkers 001This week’s recipe on page 70 from Baking: From My Home to Yours978-0-618-44336-9*: Chocolate Chunkers has been chosen by Claudia from Fool for Food .

To keep the entry short: These are my cookies. Together with a glass of milk they are a complete meal. I followed Dories advice and shopped chocolate by hand, but I am of different opinion about the chocoloate. Excellent – and also expensive – chocolate I prefer to enjoy pure in small quantities.

I used chocolate with 75 % cocoa solids instead of unsweetened chocolate, for the bittersweet I used chocolate with 50 % cocoa solids and for the semisweet I used chocolate with 35 % cocoa solids. I substituted the raisins with dried apricots.

Chocolate Chunkers

&Chocolate Chunkers 002

I’ll definitely make these Chocolate Chunkers again!

BTW: Today my husband and I celebrate 25 years „War and Peace„, I am in a hurry!

For the recipe visit Claudia from Fool for Food and for more Chocolate Chunkers visit the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

25 thoughts on “Tuesdays with Dorie: Chocolate Chunkers

  1. Eva (Gast)

    Auch von mir herzlichen Glückwunsch zu den 25 Jahren und alles Liebe und Gute für noch ganz viele weitere!! Da fehlt uns Leuten vom Deich noch ein klitzekleines Stückchen zu…..-)
    Und die Cookies – ganz klar: sehen oberlecker aus!

  2. Vibi (Gast)

    I agree Ulrike, too much of a good thing is just as bad as… not enough.
    I thought the chunkers were way too rich and too expensive to make for everyday treats… perhaps better for Holidays or presents.
    Anyways… yours still look delish!

  3. Caitlin at engineerbaker.blogspot.com

    Happy 25th anniversary! Quite an exciting milestone, so I hope you have something special planned :) Glad you liked the cookies so much!

  4. ostwestwind

    Das ist weiße Schokolade!

    45Gramm Weizenmehl 55021 1/2Gramm Kakaopulver1/2Teel. Salz1/4Teel. Backpulver42,6Gramm Butter170Gramm Milchschokolade, mindestens 35 % Kakaoanteil30Gramm Schokolade, 50 % – 75 % Kakaoanteil2  Eier Größe M165Gramm Zucker1Teel. Vanilleextrakt170Gramm Milchschokolade, mindestens 35 % Kakaoanteil,170Gramm Weiße Schokolade109Gramm Pecannüsse, geröstet und gehackt145Gramm Aprikosen

  5. arfi at homemades.blogspot.com

    OMG, Ulrike! I’ve been wanting to make double-triple choco cookies… now they’re here… right before my eyes (and I’m fasting!). *droooollll*

  6. ostwestwind

    Gern geschehen, ich rechne jedes Rezept in Gramm um, auch wenn da so krumme Zahlen ‚rauskommen. Aber mit 45 g Butter und 110 g Pecannüüsen wird es auch gehen, bei dem Kakaopulver bin ich da nicht so sicher ;-)


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