Tuesdays with Dorie: Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes

Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes
This week’s recipe on page 215-217 from Baking: From My Home to Yours978-0-618-44336-9*: Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes has been chosen by Clara of I Heart Food4Thought.

Until Sunday we spent our vacation in Saxony, a country with a long coffee culture. We had coffee from real Meissen porcelain and enjoyed a lot of baked goods with it. Like last week I prepared the Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes in advance. In Northern Germany the Reformation Day is more common than Halloween, so no special decoration.

For the recipe visit Clara of I Heart Food4Thought and enjoy more Chocolate Cupcakes visiting the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

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*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon