Baking with Julia: Hazelnut Biscotti

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After 7 years of foodblogging I’ve already some experience in baking biscotti.


So I thought the recipe on page 315 from Baking with Julia: Sift, Knead, Flute, Flour, And Savor…Bild* could not suprise me. Well, the result was very tasty

Hazelnut Biscotti


but I‘ was pleasantly surprised to find an easy and effective method to skin hazelnuts. I always tried to rub the skins from toasted hazelnuts

Haselnüsse rösten 002

but the results were unpersuasive. But skinning them like almonds, just adding some baking powder was convincing.

Haselnüsse enthäuten

You live and learn!

Baking with Julia
For the recipe visit the sites of our hosts Jodi of Homemade and Wholesome and Katrina of Baking and Boys or buy the book978-0688146573*.
For more Hazelnut Biscotti look here.

Pages: 1 Button English 2

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

11 thoughts on “Baking with Julia: Hazelnut Biscotti

  1. Ckay (Gast)

    Wow… so many different types of biscotti are „out there in the world“… this is wonderful!
    May I ask, which one is your favourite… or do you just love them all?
    I love your pictures and the great step by step guide.

    Julia’s biscotti are amazingly delicious… a winner for me!
    I’ve tripled the dough at the very beginning to make 3 version and loved them all (too much)!
    Besides I am so glad to have learned the technique of blanching almonds and hazelnuts…it’s very handy!

  2. Cascabel

    Danke für den interessanten Tipp. Was verbirgt sich hinter dem nicht existenten Foto (the requested photo doesn’t exist) am Anfang und Ende des Blogposts mit der Zahl 23?


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