David Lebovitz‘ Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

The recipe I chose for the I♥CC No Cook Challenge! requires Vanilla Frozen Yoghurt. I decided to prepare it on my own using a tried and tested recipe from David Lebovitz The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments978-1580082198 *.

I bought one kilogram of greek style yoghurt, strained it over night

©greek-style yogurt

and got 603 grams strained yoghurt. I added plain whole-milk yoghurt to 720 grams in total.

Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

©Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

To make a frozen yogurt you can scoop like ice cream, you need to add sugar. I used a mixture of sugar and grape sugar to make it smoother when it comes our of the freezer. It’s best served immediately directly from the ice cream maker.

Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

Yield:1 container Unold 8875, about 1 litre

Vanilla Frozen Yogurt Collage

This creamy and delicious frozen yogurt has a subtle hint of vanilla. Try this for an easy summer dessert with mixed berries or other summer fruit


  • 720 grams greek-style yoghurt, strained (from 1 kg)
  • 120 grams sugar
  • 60 grams grape sugar; dextrose
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract



modified from Ulrike Westphal inspired by:
David Lebovitz
The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas,
and Sweet Accompaniments
978-1580082198 *
ISBN: 978-1580082198


  1. Mix together the strained yogurt, sugar, and vanilla. Stir until the sugar ist completely dissolved. Refrigerate for 1 hour
  2. Freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Serve immediately or if a firmer consistency is desired transfer to an airtight container and freeze until ready to serve. Remove from freezer about 15 minutes before serving.

total time: 3 hours
preparation time: 5 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

German variant with guar gum.

7 thoughts on “David Lebovitz‘ Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

  1. Karin Anderson

    Von „The Perfect Scoop“ habe ich auch schon etliche Rezepte davon ausprobiert, unter anderem Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream und Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream. Frozen Yogurt allerdings noch nicht – wie findest du es im Vergleich zu normalem Vanilleeis? Gekaufte FroYos haben mir bisher immer zu wenig cremig geschmeckt, David Lebovitz‘ traue ich allerdings hier auch Gutes zu.

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  4. Johanna

    Liebe Ulrike,

    einfach, wenig Zucker, schnell selbstgemacht! Nachdem der Sommer nun wieder zurück ist, wird das bei uns definitiv ausprobiert!

    Liebe Grüße
    Johanna von Dinner4Friends

      1. Johanna

        Bei uns startet der Sommer weiter durch! Temperaturen zwischen 28 und 32 Grad sind der der Normalzustand?? deswegen fühle ich mich sehr angekommen in Wien☺️?? Aber ich sehe, bei euch in Dtl. ist der Sommer sehr nah am April!?liebe Grüße, Johanna


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