SHF #29: Homemade chocolate pudding

SHFEmily from Chocolate in Context is hosting the 29th edition of Sugar High Friday, the brain child of Jennifer at the Domestic Goddess. The mission is simply prepare a recipe using an unrefined cacao product.

cocoa brand-gepaThe most untreated cocoa I could find is the same I used for SHF #27. This organic farming cocoa is produced by the farm cooperative „El Ceibo“ in Bolivia. It is gepa’s objective to improve the living conditions of marginalized producers in the South by offering them a market chance in order to make it possible for them to take part in national and international marketing under fair conditions and to secure a decent living for them out of own efforts. Using this brand, I kill two birds with one stone: I get a tasty and delicious cocoa and I maintain the Fair Trade idea.

The difference between treated and untreated cocoa powder is obvious:

Kakaopulver - cocoa powder

dark powder deoiled alkalised 11,0 % fat

light-coloured cocoa powder lightly deoiled not alkalised 24,5 % fat

I prepared a simple but tasty

Homemade chocolate pudding

Homemade chocolate pudding 005

Homemade chocolate pudding 001
You need:
500 ml milk
20 g corn or potato starch
20 g rice flour
20 g cocoa powder
45 g sugar
pistachios, chopped
Schokoladenpudding 002
Mix starch, rice flour, cocoa and sugar. Whisk into milk, be sure that you have no cocoa lumps.
Bring to a boil constantly stirring. Remove from heat.
Schokoladenpudding 003
Cool down in cold water, constantly stirring.
Schokoladenpudding 004
Fill into bowls, cool completly and sprinkle with pistachios.
more recipes and entries in English

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