WHB #102 Round-up

WHB #102 Round-up

It’s my pleasure to be the hostess of the 102nd round of Weekend Herb Blogging, the weekly event founded by Kalyn from Kalyn’s Kitchen. To write a roundup is always a very time-consuming task, but it’s a duty I love to do for the third time.
Before I start with the summing up, allow me some words to the participants to ease the work for the future hosts:

  • Please read and respect all the rules.
  • To get the right host please visit this site, where you can also find the host’s email-adress.
  • It would also be helpful to the hosts if the entrants would include their location and sign the email with their preferred name. It takes a lot of time on some blogs trying to identify the author and/or the location.

So this time I do the round up without the location.

Thanks to all participants for their submissions and now let’s get started:

Chorizo Hashbrowns The Chorizo Hashbrowns from Cate of Sweetnicks made The Husband a hashbrown lover, no wonder with all the herbs.
Kevin from Closet Cooking tried Saltimbocca alla Romana and was pleased with the result and the flavour of sage. Saltimbocca alla Romana
Moyashi Anna from Anna’s Cool Finds found a very fresh bag of Moyashi, sprouted mung beans, in the store. With halibut and a simple „Moyashi and Yellow Peppers with Teriyaki sauce“ it was a perfect dinner.
Nora from Life’s Smörgåsbord found sprouted onions at the green grocer and prepared a delicious looking Onion Sprouts and Avocado Omelette
roasted-italian-style-potatoes/ Mike from Mike’s Table tripped down memory lane and Roasted potatoes Italian-style. Rosemary is very suitable to bring back the smell of Italy, where he spent his honeymoon.
Kalyn, our beloved founder and author of Kalyn’s Kitchen tries to save the things from her garden, because it’s getting colder. She shows us how to freeze Thai Basil, Sage, Tarragon and Mint More About Freezing Fresh Herbs: Freezing Thai Basil, Sage, Tarragon, and Mint
Pork Chops In A Raspberry Plum Sauce With Sage and Rosemary Ramona from Pie a la Mona made her first WHB entry: Pork Chops In A Raspberry Plum Sauce With Sage and Rosemary. That looks great, the taste was so good and convincing, that the Bichon Frise voluntary prewashed the dish.
Anh from Food Lover’s Journey presents a dish to die for: Pumpkin Simmered in Caramel Sauce and gives us a lesson in Vietnamese Cooking Pumpkin Simmered in Caramel Sauce
Stuffed Peppers with Bulgur (Bulgurlu Biber Dolması) Burcu from almost turkish recipes Stuffed Peppers with Bulgur (Bulgurlu Biber Dolması) using dill, mint and spices to flavour.
Peter over at Kalofagas was inspired by airplane food and discovered celeriac and shows the culinary differences between the Old and the New World: Celeriac versus Celery. He prepared Garlic Mashed Celeriac, a delicious dish I am very familar with. Garlic Mashed Celeriac
Lemon Sorrel Sauce for Fish Rebeca from Dinner in the Yellow House was persuaded at the farmer’s market to buy a bunch of sorrel. Than she got halibut and paired it with the wonderful but simple Lemon Sorrel Sauce .
Jennifer blogs at Do you like to cook about quince and cooked up an aromatic, cinnamon-y, mildly spicy Moroccan Chicken and Quince Stew
one last flower before fall KitchenMage’s Herb Garden shows us one last sage flower before fall.
Haalo from Cook (almost) anything once discovered unusually coloured citrus and can’t give us the name. That doesn’t matter, with any kind of name it ends in a delicious Macedonia di Frutta/Marinated Fruit Salad Macedonia di Frutta/Marinated Fruit Salad
Smashies Pam from The Backyard Pizzeria smashed rosemary and potatoes together to Smashies. Also a staple at our house, but we call it rosemary potatoes.
Katie has not only Thyme for cooking, she has also time to tell us about the advantages of a fireplace in the house. But her delicious looking Acorn Squash she roasted in the oven. Acorn Squash
Savory apple pizza Zorra from Kochtopf was still inspired by her Apple Day. She combined apples, red onions and thyme to a delicious looking and savory apple pizza
Sarah asks What Smells So Good? She threw together her last things from her garden, spiced it up with JoJo Potatoe Seasoning – what an interesting name – and serves it as Sweet n‘ Spicy Gardener’s Pie Sweet n' Spicy Gardener's Pie
Goat Cheese-Stuffed Chicken Becky from Key Lime & Coconut found out that she likes goat’s cheese. In combination with parsley and other ingredients she serves Goat Cheese-Stuffed Chicken.
Gwen from Intoxicated Zodiac tells us interesting facts about garlic and mixed up a vampire-fighting halloween cocktail: BITE ME NOT
Hemp Seed Rye 001 And at the end my entry: I experimented with hemp and baked a Hemp Seed Rye Bread. The hemp gave an interesting nutty taste to the bread.

7 thoughts on “WHB #102 Round-up

  1. Kalyn (Gast)

    Thanks for hosting!
    Great job and you’re certainly right about the fact that it can be a lot of work. Maybe I should edit the rules to make it clear that people should include the name they want to be called and their location. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll try it and see if it helps.

  2. sue (Gast)

    great roundup
    good job Ulrike. I missed participating but I am having computer problems.

    It gets harder each day for me to even comment with my slow dialup.

    A really nice job and I love reading the roundups.


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